Thursday 5 October 2023

Weekly Progress and Plan

 Here is the weekly progress for my project I have also included the rough plan



Term 2


Term 3


(2 Oct)

Brief, Research


( 8 Jan)









Shoot, Self Reflection




Post Production




Post Production




(13 Feb)

Deadline (Tuesday 13th February)





Reflection: This weekly progress really helps me to track on what we did in certain weeks and it also helps me recall all the things that we study through out the term. It also allows me to check on my to do list to remind me if I have a homework to do.

Week 1
This week we update our new blog post of our new project topic which is a Music Video, in this week we did a research of a music video and thinking of an idea of what genre or song will we use for our project.

Week 2
This week we have 2 project lessons and we did more research for our music video and start to find music videos that match our genres to give us ideas in the future and last we add a brand post for our research.

Week 3
In this week we started our statement of intent and we also decided a song which is "Ocean and Engines" and we also discussed about our potential concept for our music video

Problems:Not really sure for the psychographics for the music video
Solution: We did more research for the psychographics 

Week 4
This week we brainstorm ideas for our scenes we also have a discussion for our stage name. Our teacher gave us a task to make a mini project about a lip sync video and last but not least we finished our statement of intent.

Deciding our star name

Week 5
This week we finalise our cast and we started brainstorming ideas for our music video and lastly we submit our mini music video project 

Problem:We have a misunderstanding in discussing a scene and the storyline and we also struggled in doing lip sync 
Solution: We ended up to do all the ideas and talk it one by one
To do: Storyboard, finalise star name, and location

Week 6
In this week i was sick and made me absent for 2 periods of media project lesson
Problem: I was sick which made me need to catch up with things that I missed when i was sick
Solution: I asked my team members what they did last week and insert it into my blog
To do: Scouting location

Week 7
In this week me and my team started to complete the blogpost for our component 3 
Problem: I need to finish all the blogpost by Friday
Solution: I will do the work bit by bit to make sure I finish on time
To do: Location scouting, storyboard, and completing blogpost


Week 1
In this week we learn about post colonialism after having a break for a month we also change our blog theme based on cambridge preference, we create a blog post that contains our shooting location for our future music video and we create a risk assesment for those location and lastly we also listen to our blogpost feedback.
PROBLEM:We need to find a back up location for the beach if the beach we choose is crowded and doesn't allow us to shoot there
SOLUTION:We are trying to scout and research for back up locations.

Week 2
In this week we finish creating film schedule beside that me and my group also did a research to find a cafe spot to match the theme  for our scene as it will suit it properly for our music video shooting in the future.
PROBLEM: This week one of our group member Nadine was absent as a result we cannot continue our discussion further.
SOLUTION:We decided to discuss what we can first in the mean time and not waiting for her to go to school instead we finish up things that we can.

Week 3
In this week we finished another scene of ours which was recorded in IKEA and we also discuss about moral panic, to add we also start to do research about our social media and digipak.
PROBLEM: At IKEA cameras are prohibited and one of my group member car got crash by a motorcycle
SOLUTION: We decided to use our phone camera to do the recording we will use the power of editing to maximise the outcome of the recording by adding filter and for the car crash we borrow one of our close friends car to use for our music video.

Week 4
In this week we add another shoot to our music video which increases the percentage of the project to 50%. We also started our critical self reflection by making a plan to write in each paragraph. Lastly we also learn a new theory stardom theory from Richard Dyer we learn the difference between a star and a celebrity
PROBLEM:Due to heavy rain we found difficulties trying to find a fix schedule for our music video shooting 
SOLUTION:We check on the updated weather forecast trying to match our schedule according to the weather to prevent heavy rain happening on the shooting day.

Week 5
In this week me and my team finished 80% of the music video recording and start to dig deeper and do research for the digipak and social media. We already have some ideas for our digipak.
PROBLEM: During the shooting at the beach there was a slight issue with the weather it was raining quite heavy so we need to rest for a bit while our time is still ticking.
SOLUTION:We than agreed to do the shots we can first while waiting for the rain to stop.

Week 6
In this week we lose 1 lesson due to the election which makes us have a national holiday and I also updated the digipak and close to finalising and adding the details to finish up the design of the digipak
PROBLEM: I have difficulty in finding the perfect font that matches the digipak and vibe
SOLUTION: I did a survey and ask some of the media students and ask them which one suites better

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Final Piece

  This blogpost contains the final piece which includes the following music video, social media, and digipak Music Video: In case of copyrig...