Tuesday 20 February 2024

Critical Self Reflection

 Down below is my critical self relfection that consist of 1112 words

Cambridge gave a variety of briefs that i could do, I chose to make a music video brief because it really fits to be a

final project and gives me lots of experience in fact it will also be the biggest and most time consuming project that I take. I decided to chose the genre romance and indie because nowadays lots and lots of people are experiencing romance especially teens nowadays at the age of 16-20 with this genre it will really make a good connection with them cause they can relate to this music video.

This project will start off by choosing the song for our music video I decided to to give my opinion to my team to choose Ocean and Engines as a song, because it is a very well known song and popular song everybody knows the song especially those who are in the tennagers age range. Other reasons are this song based on the title “Ocean” which means there will be oceans in the music video scene and it will be very easy to find ocean here with variety of different options secondly the word “Engines” will more relate to a vehicle to be specific cars.

This song personally I believe is a sad, heartbreaking, and sympathetic song due to the lyrics that are really touching and creates connotations. The genre convection of this music video is romance. To start of the scene of our music video there will be a girl name Luna, flashback of her and her boyfriend will start off the music video by showing the peak of their relationship where everything is very fine they both love each other at the highest state and doesn’t have any problems with one another. During this scene filters were added to like a gloomy and dreamy effect to create connotations with the audience that this is the past in a dream. As she wake up from her dream she realize that it was all just her dream her boyfriend is already gone non existence and nowhere to be found. When she woke up the filter was removed to connote that its her reality now not a dream anymore. There is a scene where she started to sleep inside the car when she is sleeping the camera move slowly towards her to make a connotation of bringing the audience with her and when she wakes up the camera will zoom out of her to bring the audience away. The final lyric “My great lost love” is a very sympathetic lyric with lots of connotation, in this case we can connote that this lyric shows that her boyfriend is long gone and far away from existence, this lyrics we came up with an idea to use a polaroid picture by throwing it outside the car. This will create a connotation that her boyfriend is already gone. To finalize my music video are really aiming towards tennagers especially those who are in a breakup state. We also want to tell that relationships can sometime be good and can sometime be bad.

Branding is way in which a product is going to be presented to the audience and will increase the awareness of the product through various different ways. Our music video will be represented in different ways which are social media and digipak. Both digipak and social media need to share the same mood and vibe, for ours we decided to make it more into a passive feeling which leads more towards sadness. We want to make as mush connection as we can through both the social media and digipak based on the music video in this case the music video will have a sad and heartbreaking theme the social media post will also follow through it. The font used on the digipak and social media are both the same font used to match each one another. In the end we decided to change the concept of the social media from posting aesthetic photos in order with neat concept into a casual concept which means that the picture that will be posted in the social media are casual picture of her in her daily life showing her activity, with this is will bring and engage more of the audience with her. With this the audience can see or can feel like Luna is their friend not like a star who only post information about their tour and song while Luna she posts picture of her outfit of the day for example and her daily life activities.

The product will engage the audience through various different types of platforms options are youtube, instagram, and tiktok. Youtube is the most popular and well known platforms when a star or a celebrity uploads their music video into a social media platform youtube being the number one choice for them due to the popularity and youtube will also provide algorithm for the users to match their music taste. To add they will also have a global span of range for the algorithm while Instagram mostly will only have a span in one category or platform. On the other hand by time goes by Tiktok has become a very well known app and very popular for those who are trying to promote their product especially through short videos. Nowadays Tiktok has a huge global user and will make it easier to reach more audience, that is why nowadays most artist and star uses Tiktok to promote their product in short video, Tiktok can also create and algorithm for us called “fyp” also known as for you page with this it will be easier to get awareness from audience.

To create this project I did lots of research through different celebrities and star to give a key concept and idea of our music video in the future. The research that are done are through star who has a similar vibe with our star Luna. With the research of different star it can help us to create our social media page and digipak in the future to have a similar vibe with the song and Luna itself. The original star name of this music video is NIKI we decided to use Luna for our star name after going through some research we want to keep the name as simple as the original creator of this song and music video. The word Luna itself means moon which matches the vibe of calm and friendly like NIKI the original artist. At the end me and my team decided to create a music video that really relates a majority of teenagers now days by break up and sad theme

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Final Piece

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