Thursday 5 October 2023


 Here is the research of my music video

WetSuit - The Vaccines - Indie

The music video is targerting audience who are at a young age, youth especially those who are attending the event. I dislike the concept of the music video, because its not really engaging and mostly engage people who are at the event back then, for those who are not at the event will no really feel engage or have a full experience of the music video. This music video has images from people who are at the event. I like the concept that they use a vintage filter to make the music video feel nostalgic and supports the youth category for the target audience. Stereotypes that are used are alcohol (beer) to represent youngsters.

R U Mine? - Arctic Monkeys 

The music video is targeting audience around the age of 12-20. It uses stereotypes of a carpool karaoke that represents youngsters cause this activity often be done by youngsters while with their friends in the car blasting out music and singing to it together. I like how they apply a black and white filter to emphasise nostalgia to sadness and it really connects with the song title which is "R U Mine?". What I dislike about this music video it is a bit boring to watch because all you see is people singing in a car and thats all. In conclusion teenagers will enjoy this music video due to the stereotypes.

Polyphia - Playing God

This music video are targeting people who are a music instrument enthusiast such as guitar, drum, bass. The music video contains no vocal which means its only pure music instrument. The music video have a target audience around the age of 18-30, because the age doesn't really matter as long as they have a interest in musical instrument.

Ocean & Engines - Niki

Ocean & Engines is a song that was written by NIKI and was published at 8th July 2022. This music was directed by Isaac Ravhishankara

This music video has a concept of a sad vibe by a couple being left and broke up. The color of this music video is dim, to support the lyrics and meaning of music video which is a sad and a break up vibe. In the begining of the music video have and idea of flashback in every scene of the music video to compare before the couple broke up and after. What I like about this music video is that the lyrics really matches the music video goes in a good story line. What I dislike is some of the camera shots that are taken such as the time when the camera is behind the car which doesn't really allows us to show the reaction of her face after the break up.

Understand - Keshi

This song was written by Keshi an American Vietnamese singer and songwriter. This song was published at March 25 2022. The director of this music video is Pennacky.

Media Language

This song it is really a song for those people who are in their relationship state with their couple and really showing what couples are usually doing and all of a sudden they broke up and this song relates a lot to those poeple who just broke up with their couple and really misses he or she. The music video started using an establishing shot showing the view of the city from the apartment that he lives in. Then the shot move to him which is Keshi it self the songwriter and singer is writing a song while playing his guitar and finding the good chords to create the song. It seems like the song that he is writing in the note is the song that we are hearing now in the music video which is "UNDERSTAND". The shot then change to a zoom up to his eyes which is trying to tell the audience that this is from his perspective. An establishing shot was taken from the ocean showing an empty ocean with just wave connoting he is lost and empty. After that shot was taken all the shot are shots that really leaning towards memories of couples such as two pairs of shoe side by side, two toothbrush showing that they used to live together but now they broke up which means his alone now, two straws in the cup which they usually drink together as couple, two pigeon flyign which represents each one of them, there are shot of two couples sitting and enjoying their time together, and last the music video also put shots of places that a couple would often spend time and do quality time together. At the end of the music video there is a man that stood up infront of a train that looks like its leaving and him standing alone.


This music video has so many representation such as the shot that was taken where there are two toothbrush which represent that there are two people which are usually couples and two shoes which also represents that one of them belong to someone else. At the beginning of the music video they place a empty ocean shot after a close up shot of his eyes which represent he is lost and empty and they put the color blue there which connotes trust but the person broke his trust and put empty oceans with the filter blue in it.


This music video is really aiming audience that are looking for songs that will really bring the mood of sadness and when a person really misses someone. The age range of this music video are audience among the age of teenagers who are already experiencing a relationship which are around the age of 18-25.


The editing and filming of this music video is very simple due to less cgi that is needed to be used for this music video, photos that are taken which represent the connotation of this music video are used by just placing it in the music video. The budget of this music video is really low and i don't think so they need to purchase and hire a lot of equipment of technology to produce this music video due to the materials that are used are materials that we have on daily basis.

Reflection: By doing this research of music video helps me to understand deeper what will a music video look like and what elements are inserted to create one. Moreover this research creates an image in my mind what scene ideas I can put in my future music video. A proper research also allow me to expand my knowledge of music video in general and learning it layer by layer.

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