Thursday 2 February 2023

Screenplay - Film Opening - Component 1

Concept: Forgotten 2017

Main Character : Davin & Sera


Full Black

Production name reveal

Fade In (transition)

INT. Alice’s Room - Night

A full shot camera angle of room showing Alice’s room while she’s studying for chemistry

Medium shot close up shot of Alice doing her assignment

Alice [narrator point of view]

“Sometimes I hear that sound”

High Camera angle showing the roof

SFX the sound of People moving things from above

Low Camera Angle showing Alice looking up at the roof

Alice[narrator point of view]

“Looks something’s being dragged”

Medium Angle Shot showing her back head

Alice[narrator point of view]

“It sounds too light to be a couch”

“But too heavy to be a chair”

High Angle shot/Close up shot showing Alice eyes

Digentic Sound effect “Thud”

Alice[narrator point of view]

“I assuming that it’s around the weight of a human body”

Medium Angle shot showing Alice stretching after hours of studying


“Nahh.. It must be a sack of rice or gallon or something.

“Maybe i need some rest”

Close up camera angle showing her typing in her laptop for finishing the assignment


“The guy who lives upstairs”

“I've only seen him twice”

EXT Jay’s room - Night

Jay playing a dialogue with his toys with a mimicking voice

Medium Close up Shot on the bunny doll

“Son come over here it’s time to eat

Medium Close up shot on the Lego

“No, I don’t want to”

Medium Close up shot on the bunny doll

“Even if you don’t want to you gotta eat up if you wanna be big and strong like your father”

Medium close up shot on the lego

“When is dad coming back?, you said he would come once after i graduate elementary school”

Medium close up shot on the lego

“He’ll come once you receive your semester 2 report card, so just be a little more patient”

Medium close up shot on the lego

“Bullshit i'm not falling for that anymore, you think i don’t know what you have done to my dad?”

Medium close up shot on the bunny doll

“Jai, How can you talk to your mother like that?”

Medium close up on the hand holding the lego punching the bunny doll

“If it weren’t for you I would’ve had a dad!!”

Medium Close up shot on Jay from the back


“Looks like you have been enjoying live after him huh”

Extreme close up shot on jay’s mouth


“Clocks is ticking, i gotta set up my chessboard”

Full black screen

Title emerge

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