Sunday 19 November 2023

Copyright Permission - Component 3

This blogpost contains an email that was sent to the official producer of the song "Ocean & Engines" an email was sent to follow the regulations and prevent copyright issues. This email was made by my team member (Nadine) she sent this email through her own personal email.

Reflection: Sending an email to the producer of the song to ask permission to the usage of their song for a media content is a must to do, this prevents copyright strikes and following the regulations. This also makes our collaboration more professional due to legal song usage owing to the fact that we have sent a permission letter. Lastly this email also shows prove of our permission and agreement in case of anything happens such as copyright strikes this email will then be shown to help and prevent those strikes.

*E-mail content*

Subject: Request for Copyright Permission: NIKI's "Oceans & Engines" for Media Studies Project

Dear 88rising Team,

I hope this email finds you well. My name is Nadine Diva, and I am writing to you on behalf of my group. We are currently working on a media studies project, specifically a music video, as part of our coursework.

After careful consideration, we have chosen the song "Oceans & Engines" by NIKI for our project. We believe that the thematic elements and musical composition of the song align perfectly with the creative vision we have for our music video. NIKI's artistry resonates with our concept, and we are excited about the opportunity to bring her work to life in our project.

Understanding the importance of copyright protection and respecting the intellectual property of artists, we are writing to formally request permission to use "Oceans & Engines" in our media studies project. We are aware that 88rising manages the rights to NIKI's music, and we would like to ensure that all necessary permissions and licenses are obtained to proceed with our project.

Our project is non-commercial, and its sole purpose is educational, aiming to showcase our understanding of media studies concepts and filmmaking techniques. We assure you that the music video will not be used for any commercial purposes, and we are committed to giving proper credit to NIKI for her contribution to the project.

To facilitate the process, we kindly request information on the specific steps and requirements involved in obtaining the necessary permissions for the use of "Oceans & Engines" in our media studies project. Additionally, if there are any associated fees or forms that need to be completed, please provide guidance on how we can proceed.

We understand the importance of protecting intellectual property, and we want to ensure that our project complies with all relevant copyright laws and regulations. We appreciate your time and consideration of our request and look forward to receiving guidance on the necessary steps to move forward with this exciting project.

Thank you for your attention to this matter, and we eagerly wait your response.


Nadine Diva M.


Monday 13 November 2023

Actor and Performer Screen Test

This blogpost contains information according to the star and the idea of stage name we are going to use for our star in the upcoming music video. This blog post was written by (Nadine) which is one of our group members. Besides name ideas we also have reasons why we decided for that option.

Reflection: With this blogpost allows me and my team to create list of ideas and provides us with options to choose our star name, by choosing a certain star name we also have to put reason why we decided to choose this option, with this blogpost makes us easier to find reasons to choose an option such as to match the vibe of the song, the theme of the song, the lyrics of the song and most importantly to match the genre of the songs. With a concrete reason we will be able to create a good image of the star in our MV

To ensure our artist aligns with her Asian background, we deliberated on selecting an aesthetically pleasing name for her. It's crucial that the name complements the artist's image on album covers and song titles, influencing how the audience perceives her. However, considering the need to cater to an English-speaking audience, we aimed for a name that strikes a balance between her cultural heritage and a Western appeal. The chosen name leans towards a mixed feel, with a first name carrying a Western vibe. We specifically aimed for a name that resonates with the calm and gentle demeanor exhibited by some of the original singers of the song. Additionally, the name was selected to align with the overall vibe of the song and to be adaptable to future branding efforts.

These are some the lists of the name we discussed:
1. Dylan
2. Youra
3. Luna
4. Sze
5. Jeju
6. Chila

Ultimately, we settled on the name LUNA for our artist. We found it to be a straightforward yet representative choice that aligns with our vision. The simplicity of the name adheres to industry norms for female artists while maintaining a unique quality that sets our artist apart. LUNA not only stands out but also seamlessly captures the desired vibe we aim to convey through her music.

Given that "Oceans & Engines" narrates the tale of departure, we perceive it as a song imbued with the sincerity and innocence of a teenage soul once entangled in love but ultimately facing failure. To visually capture the essence of the song, we've decided to cast two individuals who will play pivotal roles in our music video. In line with our initial choice of an Asian woman as our featured artist, we have opted to recruit an Asian woman for a lead role. We envision someone with a calm demeanor and a cheerful appearance to embody the essence of the song. Additionally, we're looking to cast a male actor of Asian descent to complement the storyline and bring authenticity to the project.

These are some lists of the potential actors from our discussion:
1. Daudy & Monik (Theo's friend)
2. Davin & Melody (our friend)
3. Ethan & Nathasya (Theo's friend)

Furthermore, the narrative for our music video revolves around the protagonist (the artist) grappling with the lingering memories of her departed lover. We aim to portray the moments of joy and happiness shared between the artist and her late partner, followed by a depiction of the emptiness that persists in the artist's life after the departure. In keeping with the intimate nature of the storyline, we have opted to cast only two individuals who will portray the couple. Our focus will be primarily on the female lead, allowing the narrative to unfold through her perspective.

After careful consideration and discussions, we are pleased to announce that Ethan and Nathasya, both close associates of ours, have enthusiastically agreed to take on the roles in our music video. We believe that their chemistry and capabilities will effectively convey the emotional depth and authenticity needed for the storyline.

Screen Test
Having solidified our cast list, we've taken the next step by arranging screen tests for the potential actors we've identified. This process will enable us to assess each candidate's ability to embody and portray the characters envisioned for our music video. Through these screen tests, we aim to determine the best fit for bringing the narrative to life, ensuring that the selected actors authentically capture the emotions and nuances essential to the storyline. This meticulous approach reflects our commitment to delivering a music video that resonates with the intended narrative and emotional impact.

Location Scouting

 This blogpost contains options of location we are going to shoot in our upcoming MV. Me and my team have discussed locations at our time given during class, moreover this blogpost also contains why do we certainly choose that option over the others.

Reflection: This blogpost that contains option of location can provide me and my team ideas for our shoot at certain scenes on our MV. The option that we list are options that we just need to pick and put on the certain scene in our MV that matches the lyrics, theme, and vibe of the MV different part of the song have different meaning in certain scenes location played a big role for the Mise En Scene.

Locations that me and my team choose and listed are locations that are reachable for us and we have easy access to, our MV has lots of scene at the beach and with nature and what more than our province it self Bali that has it all, all of our location are located in Bali all of our location that we list have certain connotation for certain scene which makes us list more than 4 locations to execute in our music video, locations list are

  • Peninsula ITDC Nusa Dua
  • Gunung Payung beach
  • Balangan Beach
  • Saga coffee shop
  • Cosmic Parking Lot

Technical Skills

 In this blogpost contains things that I learn through out this music video project

Reflection: This blogpost helps me to encounter my challenge through out this music video project, down below are solution that I took from research through the internet. They really help me to complete my blogpost especially how to embed a file into a blogpost, because if i take a screenshot the image will not look as good as embeding a file into the post.

1. In this term i learned how to embed tables from software outside the blog like excel, docs, and pdf and embed them into the blog

2.  How to embed a file into a blog post, in this video down below is a video where I learn how to embed a file into a blogpost to make the format of the file the same without changing it

Tuesday 7 November 2023

Media Ecology - Jan 6 Smartphones

On January 6, 2021, a significant and controversial riot took place in the United States. A large group of supporters of then-President Donald Trump gathered in Washington, DC to protest the certification of the 2020 Presidential Election results, which had declared Joe Biden as the winner. Smart phones are being used in so many different things before during and after the riot happened. Smartphone can document many events that happened on January 6 documenting is one of them, many individuals in the crowd used their phone to record the event take a photo and video of violations in the capital. The content that they receive from recording or taking pictures from the event are evidence for the law enforcement, journalist, and investigator. Beside that social media also played an important role at this event they are used to spread the media that are recorded or taken by the protesters and they also used social media such as Twitter, Instagram or Facebook to share information and express their feelings. Lastly the individuals at the protestors used their phone to do live streaming to provide a real time view of the event. Protesters and participants use smartphones to communicate, allowing them to coordinate actions, share information, and stay connected with each other and the outside world .4,444 smartphones play a role in identifying and holding individuals accountable for their actions during events. Images and videos captured on smartphones have helped law enforcement identify and arrest people involved in crimes. Media coverage is the focus on sending new to the public especially journalists and media agencies rely on images from their smartphones to report on events.

Live updates, photos and videos from journalists on the ground and the protesters themselves have shaped the public's understanding of what happened.

Overall, smartphones and social media played a pivotal role in documenting, disseminating, and understanding the events of January 6, both for those directly involved and for people worldwide.

The events also raised important questions about the role of technology and social media in political protests and their potential impact on democracy and public safety.

Final Piece

  This blogpost contains the final piece which includes the following music video, social media, and digipak Music Video: In case of copyrig...