Thursday 27 July 2023

Weekly Plan - Documentary

 Week 1

Today we learn about Documentary and the sub genres of it, we watched 3 different types of documentary the first one was about crime second was lifestyle, and the third one was food, after watching all three of them we made a research, and last but not least we discussed about our project which is making a documentary.

Week 2

-We did a small research about 3 documenataries

Week 3

-I was absent at this week but from what i got information from my friend they did a research for another 2 big documentaries 

Week 4

In this week we learn to identify target audience and we brainstormed initial documentary ideas. 
Problem:We had a bit of an argument about picking our target audience both demographic and psychographics
Solution:Agreeing to 1 specific age for the target audience and the level of education that our documentary project will represent later on.
To do:Finishing mind map about target audience

Week 5
In this week we continue our project by start making our development which consist of title ideas, storyboard, and statement of intent.
Problem:We had a problem of thinking a way how to start our documentary 
Solution:We decided all together to start with a narration
To do:Storyboard

Week 6
In this week me and my group finished the storyboard and halfway through the script, we also update our development and we finalised our title "What The Food"
Problem:Deciding the duration of every shot in the scene, trying to ask people for the interview scene for our documentary project, beside that trying to find a filming schedule.
Solution:We decided our duration by matching the camera shot and the idea of the scene. We share our free time schedule to gather every group member up.
To do: Screenplay, Thumbnail, Finalising film schedule
Shooting Schedule:
  • Monday (28/08 ‘23) — Muti & Mr. Bram 

  • Tuesday (28/08 ‘23) — Alden/Hanly & Ms. Anita 

  • Monday, 28 August: Interview

  • Tuesday 29 August: Interview 

  • Wednesday, 30 August: Voiceover/narration

  • Thursday, 31 August: Start editing

In this week we finished 90% of filming and have just started editing, We oficaly finised our final storyboard, and we create new version of thumbnails.
Problem:One of our member THEO got his phone confiscated, as a result we couldn't continue our work smoothly, due to important audio recording stored in his phone
Solution: We decided to make a new system where when one of the group members got a information, we shared it right away to prevent lack of rescource.

Week 8
This week we finalise our shot and we decided to change our title into "Diet or Die" we change it because it relates more to our documentary series
Problem:We have difficulties finding schedule to make the interview with Alden
To do: We decided to change the actor from Alden to Hanly

Week 9
This week we learn about postmodernism and we also continue our project and finalise our thumbnail, we also took a photo of our thumbnail with a concept of a puppet string
Problem: We have difficulties in finding templates that we saw we decided to throw
Solution: We used a online platform to draw for our template

Self Reflection
By making a weekly progress allows me to check my progress and making it easier for me to check my to do list and seeing things that I need to catch up, beside that it also reminds me of the problem that we made in the past week and if it happens again we already know what the solution is going to be.

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