Tuesday 31 January 2023

Media Regulation - ASA

What is ASA: The Advertising Standards Authority is the self-regulatory organisation of the advertising industry in the United Kingdom. The ASA is a non-statutory organisation and so cannot interpret or enforce legislation. However, its code of advertising practice broadly reflects legislation in many instances.

Case Study

Kick Ash Vapes

Two issues were investigated, both of which were Upheld.The website www.kickashvapes.co.uk, seen in March 2022, featured a product listing for “Guava Rubicana by Frooti Tooti 120ML”. Text in the description stated, “It features a sweet and sharp taste of energising guava that fills your mouth with fruity juice in combination with fizzy sparks you must try a truly tropical vape juice!” and “2x Nicotine Shots Included”. Their problem is their promoting unlicensed nicotine-containing e-liquids and their components in online media. The consequences are the ads must not appear again in the form complained about. We told Kick Ash Vapes Ltd that marketing communications with either the direct or indirect effect of promoting nicotine-containing e-cigarettes and their components, which were not licensed as medicines, should not be made on their website or from a public Facebook account in future, unless they had taken steps to ensure they would only be distributed to those following their account and would not be seen by other users.


Monday 30 January 2023

Development - Component 1

 Film Opening Concept & Screenwriting

Genre: Romance 

School themed love story (teenagers)

Duration: 2 mins


-Back when we were in highschool

-Unconditional Love

-Stuck in Highschool

-Love of My Life

-Belong Together

-Clueless Love

-Is Not a Blooming Roses

-Roses aren’t Red



MC Girl: Sera

MC Boy: Jeremia (temen sera)

Second lead girl: 

Second lead boy: Davin 


Romance-tinged story about change. A teenager that being in love with her childhood friend that doesnt love her back, hence they both have partners. 

Concept 1 flash forward —> flashback —> Title emerge 

  1. The sequence started with couple facing each other it was using Over the shoulder shot with work uniform from girls perspective to the boy move to other shoulder the boy change clothes to school uniform (30”) + credit 

  2. transition to long shot and both wearing school uniforms (flashback). Both of their bf/gf comes to see them, and walk pass by making eye contact. (1’)

  3. As they walked away past each other the boy saw the girls shoelaces are untied when the boy approached the girl to tie her shoelaces a flashback appar to show their past when the boy tied her shoe lace in the same exact spot. (30”)

**longshot ended with the title on the background - movie started


MC girl - Alice 

MC Boy - Jay

SL Boy - Leo

SL Girl -  Tena

Alice: clumsy and imaginative, she can be sweet, loving, showing curiosity, courage, kindness, intelligence, courtesy, humour, dignity, caring. 

Jay: cold, patient, caring, sensitive, kindness, intelligence

In the middle of our plan we decided to change our concept for our movie opening changing the genre from romance into thriller, our main reason to change is because we can't find a cast that can fit in our movie genre and act.

 Film Opening Concept & Screenwriting

Genre: Thriller 

Murder mystery

Duration: 2 mins

Title: The Guy Upstairs


Girl: Sera

Boy: Davin


This is the process of editing to show the production credit at the beginning of the movie. The font size that we used is a big and center font size to make sure the audience are able to see it clearly

Critics for Final Piece (from Mr.Nick)
-Make the credit appear together with the beat of the clock ticking(✅)
-Zoom in camera movement in the beginning
-Remove the typing scene
-"Thud" sound match to Sera's reaction 



This blogpost was taken from Theo's blog

March 13, 2023


 Here are the list of fonts for our potential movie title:

We decided to shortlisted the potential fonts by trying to put it into the movie editing

Research Movie


1995 Tristar

The opening  scene for Jumanji is quite spooky and mysterious opening. There are two kids named Benjamin and Callum, they are trying to grab and carry a wooden box which seems they are in a rush and in a panic situation from their facial expression, this scene was taken in a long shot to allow the audience to see the setting of this scene which is in the middle of a dark forest. It appears to have a dark background and in the middle of the forrest at night which brings the appearance of a hermeneutic code, it can be a hermeneutic code, because people that are having curiosity of what is inside the box that they want to burry under the ground. When they want to burry the box Benjamin slip inside the hole that they dug when he slipped Benjamin said "Run Callum its going after me" while  a suspense drum music plays that increase the intensity of the scene, in this scene it also appears to have a hermeneutic code, cause we don't know what or who is chasing after them. When Benjamin slipped the camera angle was above him to make the audience feel that the hole was deep enough to fit a small kid there and also connotes that he is in a dangerous, panic, and a disadvantage situation. After that scene Benjamin tells Callum to run but Callum decides to tell Benjamin to stay and finish the job and completely burry the box underground this connotes that the box has something important or dangerous that everybody is looking or hunting for it. After they buried the box successfully they went back out of the forest using a horse, in this current scene a aim panning camera movement is used to shot this scene and apply with a long shot.

Guardians of the Galaxy
2014, Marvel

The opening of the movie we are shown a long shot of the character that wear a futuristic costume with a blaster. By using a long shot allows the audience to see the background of the setting and the background
seems scary and a creates a hermeneutic code, because there are broken buildings and and red and a dark color which gives a tone of a scary feelings. A minor music was played to create more suspense of the surrounding of him. As he entered the building a reverse dolly was taken to show the surroudings. When he entered he took of his mask with a non digetic noise of him taking of his mask and after that he the shot change to behind him with a long shot but with a low angle to show that he is alone there and he has the most power there. After that he take a headphone from his pocket and takes a mp3 player and plays a music and starts dancing, the music that is played is a major music which creates joy and excitement. After that scene the scene was cut and change into an extreme long shot and the title of the movie with him looking very small dancing in the background. When he starts dancing a creature came at him but from the creature it has a low camera angle to the character which show that he has more power than the creatures. After defeating all the creature he jump over the ravine with his shoe that has a jet and with a non digetic sound for the rocket. When he fly over the ravine a long shot was taken to see the surrounding of him. After flying there is a big door in front of him and he takes out a futuristic lock pick and open the door, in this scene it changes in to a close up to make sure it focuses on it. After it opened the camera movement changes into a reverso dolly to show the whole door and compare the door size and his size. When he entered the room he shakes a ball with a digetic sound that is played when the light turn on in the sphere object, when he roll it to and object the music suddenly stops and silence to create intense in the scene that also show it is a powerfull object.

Baby Driver
2017 Tristar

This movie is an exciting movie as we expected to have a car chase scene from a bank robbery. The character plotted in this movie seems to have a rich people outfit when they enter the bank this counts as a representation theory. This movie is a Action crime heist movie. This movie creates excitement to the audience to see the car chase scene to see if they succeeded or they don't. This movie has a variety of tone such as serious when its in the heist and chase scene. The music changes overtime to match with the tone of the movie, the music that they use is a up beat music which intensifies the car chase scene. In my opinion i like this movie, because the music matches the scene that they are on for example the car scene uses up beat music. What i dislike is they didn't talk as much in the chase scene

2017 Warner Bros

This movie opening extract is a movie that tells about the evacuation of citizen from the city 
Dunkirk while the british are having a war with the german forces. This movie has a vibe of the world war 2. This movie has a genre of Action, War, Historical, and Thriller. Audience are expected to see lots of gunshots and explosion in this movie. The tone of this movie has a serious tone due to the war that is happening against the british and german forces. I like this movie because it gives a historical vibe that can give us a picture about what is happening back then, what i dislike is the animation or editing of the gun shots.    

500 days of summer
2009, Dune entertainment 

This movie is a romance movie which expected to have lots of drama and love. This movie shows the journey of them getting to know and love each other. The setting of this movie is changing overtime. Audience is expected to see the journey and the obstacles that they have been through. In the beginning we are shown that they are happy together and the tree behind them blooms which connotes their love life is going smoothly The tone of this movie is a light tone. The movie uses animation to count the days from 0-500. I like this movie, because it shows the journey of their love life from day 0-500 and it uses and an animation to display the days. What i dislike is that it uses a boring back ground to show their picture when they are a kid

2014, Paramount Pictures, Warner Bros

In the beginning of the film opening we are shown a tracking camera movement. In that show we are shown a spaceship figure which gives the audience an idea in this movie they will see spaceships and they also show us the condition of earth that doesn't look habitable again with this we know that the story has to do something from out of space, and we can guess also that this movie is going to have a genre of sci-fi. This movie tone is serious, because it looks like a time attack movie. I like this movie, because it show you the general idea of the movie from the beginning of the extract, what i dislike is that it needs to improve its camera shots.

2009, 20th century studio

In the opening of the film the scene is shown in a drone shot that shows the view of the forest, with this shot it gives an audience a picture in mind what is going to be shown in the movie which has something to do with the forest. This movie has a genre of action, adventure, science fiction, fantasy. This movie tone is very serious and exciting. I like this movie, because it has a really great cgi but what i dislike is that it needs more action in the movie

Resident Evil 
1996, CAPCOM
This movie is giving an audience an experience of dead vs undead and the beginning of the movie is shown a sample test of a dna which connotes that it has something to do with human. The genre of this movie is survival horror, and adventure. The tone of this movie is dark because is spooky and scary because of the red color and dark theme. I like this movie, because it has a suspense that creates a adrenaline rush in the audience but what i dislike is the representation of the zombie it need to be more realistic.

Tuesday 24 January 2023

Advertisement Exposure

Indo XXI, Panen138 is a slot advertisement that is use to gamble (banner head)

Youtube, Grab- Advertisement, is an app that is used to order food or online taxi

Crunchyroll, Anima game - Advertisement, is an ad that is used to promote the game that the company produced

Visited with my friend 

Site: Detik.com

My Site: Ebook

Theo's Advert:

Sera's Advert: Optik Melawai

Site: Instagram

My Site:NBA 2k23

Theo's Site:Milk to increase height

Sera's Site:id.engbreaking

Monday 9 January 2023


This is my groups plan that we make for our project and below is my weekly progress.
To Do...DeadlineBlog PostComplete
Week 1
Form a groupWeek 1Brief
Research: 2 in detail, 8 not much detail.End of Week 3Team
Start diaryDiary
Week 2
Plan (story board/script/idea outline)End of Week 4Proof of plan
Week 3
Plan (story board/script/idea outline)End of Week 4
Week 4
Plan (story board/script/idea outline)End of Week 4
Week 5
CreateEnd of Week 7How it's made (behind the scenes)
Week 6
CreateEnd of Week 7
Social Media Page + ResearchEnd of Week 7Research+Development (SocMed)
Week 7
EditEnd of Week 8How to edit
Week 8
EditEnd of Week 8
Self Reflection (Prezi)
1st draft before meeting
Week 9
Meeting with Mr NickSelf Reflection
Week 10
Final Product
Deadline (Wed 15th March)


Week 1

-Started research on lots of film opening (Baby Driver, 500 days of summer, Jumanji)

-Discussion to choose film opening or magazine 

-Choosing team member

Week 2

-Learn new theory about film ownership

-Deciding genre for film opening

-Label a magazine

-Writing the script about our movie opening which has a main idea of Prolepsis (flash forward) and a Analepsis (flashback). 

Week 3

-Revision Storyline

-Made a script

-Starting story board

-Finishing concept

-Research of location

 Week 4

-Continuing storyboard 

-Finding location (Sera's house

-Finding font for the movie opening

 Week 5

- Equipment

- Storyboard

- I was absent this week so i get information from my friend

Week 6

- Shooting movie opening Sera's house

- Editing

- Music choosing

- Learn about Media Industry (Vertical and Horizontal Integration, Cross Media Convergence, Synergy)

Week 7

- Completed 3/4 of the movie editing

Week 8

-Completing the movie editing

-Continuing development

Week 9

-Making Self Critical Reflection

-Fixing our blogs

-Finishing the final result

MY TEAM - Component 1

 My team consist of Me, Sera, and Theo

I decided to team up with them, because i know them personally and i know that they will fit in to make this project. Beside that each of us has important roles in every part of the project

Brief - Component 1

 This is a coursework component, internally assessed and externally moderated, 50 marks.

Candidates produce a media product from a choice of two set briefs – a film opening or a magazine. They present evidence of the process of their work (research, planning and production) on an online blog. Candidates also reflect critically on their finished media product in a creative digital format of their choice, answering a series of set prompt questions. All work involved in creating the portfolio, including process, finished product, and creative critical reflection, is put online for moderation purposes.

The work may be undertaken individually or by a group (maximum group size is four candidates). 

Candidates must present the evidence for assessment individually whether they have worked in a group or individually. Centres must assess candidates on an individual basis. Each candidate’s blog should clearly indicate the candidate’s own role in any group activity to allow the teacher to assess the contribution of each individual within the group.

This component assesses the following Assessment objectives (AOs):

AO2: Analyse media products, and evaluate their own work, by applying knowledge and understanding of theoretical and creative approaches, supported with relevant textual evidence.
AO3: Research, plan and construct critically informed media products using appropriate technical and creative skills.


Set briefs

Candidates must work to either the Film opening task (video) brief or the Magazine task (print) brief. Centres may select one or other set brief to offer to candidates, or may wish to let candidates choose between these two briefs themselves.

The set brief options are as follows:

Option 1: Film opening task (video)

Main task: the titles and opening of a new fiction film (to last a maximum of two minutes). Titles should follow the institutional conventions of commercial cinema. The task may be undertaken individually or as a group. There should be a maximum of four members to a group.

All images and text used in the main task must be original, and produced by the candidate(s). Sound should be predominantly original (dialogue and atmospheric sound), though music taken from an acknowledged source may be used as part of the soundtrack.

This task should be preceded by relevant preliminary exercises to build up candidates’ skills with equipment and their understanding of conventions.



Each candidate must complete an individual blog which is started at the beginning of the project. Each blog should contain:

• the process of research, planning and production
• any refinement, changes or edits made, and reflections on key moments
• all individual contributions to any task undertaken as a group
• evidence of any preliminary exercises
• the final finished product, clearly labeled
• the creative critical reflection, clearly labelled.

Some production elements such as storyboards may be shared by all members of a group. Collaborators who worked with the candidate on research, planning and/or production must be listed on the Individual Candidate Record Card under ‘other group members’. Centres should select dedicated blogging applications which allow posts to be read chronologically, with appropriate capabilities to embed other applications.

Final Piece

  This blogpost contains the final piece which includes the following music video, social media, and digipak Music Video: In case of copyrig...